2020 – A Blessing in Disguise

2020 was also a celebration in the beginning. It was loud and joyous as any other new year. Parties, music bands, drum beats, party poppers and what not! But this year wasn’t like any other year. Soon, the loud music notes began to fade and gradually the squeaks of the machineries and zoom of the wheels on roads also faded and were finally silent. As a result, the streets went totally silent.

But this silence wasn’t haunting, it was peaceful. 

Many of us lost jobs, no fixed source of income was there but that convinced us to cut off extra expenditures. Also there were no hotels, restaurants or cafes which were providing services. From the top view, it looked like a vacation with no holiday spot to visit.  

Everyone knows why!

But this wasn’t as boring and depressing as it seemed to be. There were a lot of suppressed expressions and emotions that went loud whilst this silence. 

The rustling of dry brown leaves, bubbling in streams, chirping of sparrows which were lost somewhere instantaneously became audible. Gradually, we saw ourselves waking up with these melodies every morning and then accompanying us to evening snacks.

Our favourite street vendors were not there, and we all became Master Chefs. Piquant Golgappe, sugar dipped delicacies, Dalgona coffee and much more was there that made our evenings delicious and relaxing.

Rising above the worries of resources, we realized we all have got amazing family time after decades. We cherished all sweet n sour memories, made new ones sharing meals, having movie nights and lot more fun.

Among these all, there was click – clack of the keyboards and smart phones which became louder. World was silent but not stopped. Every task was done with just a click. Now we have virtual meets, conferences, which will continue even after the end of this disguised blessing. Seminars are now replaced by webinars. We have got alternatives to interact without incurring much extra cost. Isn’t it easy now?

Of course, it is! But not ignoring the fact that we faced frustrations too and they paved way to explorations. We explored ourselves and also the world around us. Opportunities came our way and opportunistic people caught them too. We attended workshops, exhibitions and learnt many new skills. Social media kept us amused and updated.

Yes!! Everything has changed, may be for the better.

It gave us some peaceful time to think of our well being – Physical as well as mental.

YES! 2020 was tough, but now it has gone and made us even tougher!

Onto 2021!Happy to help!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tanushka

    Happy 2021💞

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