Validation & Connection

Posted by Aasna Devani on  May 2, 2021
Category: Mental Health
As social animals, we’re wired to seek connection. We desire connection and we thrive on connection. Our experiences and thoughts about connection though, can vary dramatically. Acquaintances, friends, family, colleagues, classmates, co-workers- all people in our lives but we are connected to in some way or other. But our connections go beyond this, we’re connected to people we cross paths with, people we learn from, people that teach us life-long lessons that we don’t ever Read More

Effect of Covid-19 on Mental Health

Posted by Nandini on  April 27, 2021
Category: Covid-19, Mental Health
As more and more people are forced to stay at home in self‐isolation to prevent the further flow of the pathogen at the societal level, governments must take the necessary measures to provide mental health support as prescribed by the experts. Professor Tiago Correia highlighted in his editorial as the health systems worldwide are assembling exclusively to fight the COVID‐19 outbreak, which can drastically affect the management of other diseases including mental health, which usually Read More

Productivity and Self-Worth

Posted by Aasna Devani on  April 16, 2021
Category: Mental Health
Among other things, we attach our self-worth to our relationships with other people, to our careers, to our appearance and to the opinions other people have of us. One of the most common struggles we face is the attachment of our self-worth to our productivity which is not only unfair during a pandemic but can also be so damaging to our mental health.Over the last year, all of us have faced numerous challenges, including those Read More

Guide to surviving a year of uncertainty

Posted by Aasna Devani on  April 16, 2021
Category: Mental Health
This last year has been challenging for all of us in different ways but one of the underlying feelings across the board has been uncertainty.  Uncertainty about our careers, our futures, our loved ones, and everything in between. Uncertainty can be one of the most uncomfortable feelings and can contribute to higher stress and anxiety levels as well. However, despite the amount of discomfort uncertainty can bring there are some things we can do to Read More

Mental Health and Menstruation

Posted by huesofthemind on  April 7, 2021
Category: Mental Health
Why does the issue need to be addressed?The biological process of menstruation begins at an average age of 13 and continues roughly till the age of 51. So, for people who menstruate, that’s more than half their lifetime spent having menstruation and dealing with other menstrual symptoms.There is a lack of general awareness about menstruation and its effects on mental health. Menstruation is still a very taboo and stigmatized topic and people don’t generally talk Read More

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