Psychological Effects of Quarantine

Mental Health is the state of human mind. We live in a fast paced world where taking deep breaths is a luxury recommended to calm us from the constant hustle. Due to the coronavirus outbreak the world has come to a standstill. It has become essential to stay indoors disconnecting us from routine.

As humans we find a sense of comfort in “certainty”. A routine helps to keep us sane. It also prevents our minds from wandering, causing anxiety. Disrupting this routine may lead to feelings of panic, stress or even trauma. “Isolation, physical distancing, the closure of schools and workplaces are challenges that affect us, and it is natural to feel stress, anxiety, fear and loneliness at this time,” said the director of the European branch of the WHO, Hans Klugeon 26 March.  

Statements like you’ve been given the “gift” of time seem to be floating around adding to the anxiety of those not being able to cope with daily tasks. Individuals are under the pressure to learn new skills, get something done, utilize the time at hand. While some are able to cope with the pressure, others are battling anxiety and depression because of such constructs.

Quarantine has seen drastic decline in productivity. It may result from feelings like “I’m not doing enough”, “guilt that you love being at home”, “anxiety from watching news continuously”, “overwhelmed by excessive access to technology”, etc.

Some institutions have continued to have individuals work from home which in turn has put these individuals under tremendous stress and confusion despite deadlines being flexible. One feels bound to dedicate time to work like a regular working day and his mind responds with feelings of guilt over spending the time with family, not being able to think or come up with solutions to work related problems and feeling exhausted in the absence of physical strain.

Coronavirus has symptoms that are common to simple flu and allergies such as cold, cough and fever. This results in a feeling of fear, anxiety and stress when a family member sneezes, coughs due to even minor allergies that have been existent for a long time. Constant banters over washing hands after touching exposed surfaces even if they’re disinfected. Quarantine has also taken a toll on familial relations. Multiple opinionated interdependent individuals spending every second of the day together every day has also increased conflicts within the family.

These are tough times and as recognized by WHO Mental Health helplines have become critical. The world will be going through much more than just containment in the coming months even after COVID-19 has long left us for good. It is therefore essential to understand the importance of such initiatives and make use of them to the fullest.

Quarantine has had severe psychological effects on all of us. It is advisable to establish a temporary routine including meditation or exercise and some hobbies that you wish to rekindle. Maintain social contact over media platforms with friends and family. Be kind to yourself despite not meeting social expectations.

Share with us your experience of quarantine in the comments.

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