Shades Of Peace

“I always equated peace with silence. And one fine day  I was sitting with my close friend. Due to some sort of conflict, we were silent for about 15 minutes. That’s when I realised that silence is not always peace… Sometimes, it is destructive. Earlier my peace existed only in being silent but then I realized there are other ways too to experience peace.”

Emotions are something that make us humans. They are personal and very subjective but still relatable. 

Be it fun, be it happiness, or success, it’s not same for everyone. 

Same is the case with peace. We all don’t find peace at same place and in doing same thing. But still there is something common. It’s something that we all like. We wish to live in that emotion forever. We feel satisfied. 

Peace can be something too loud. Running fast, completing the trek , reaching the peak ans screaming loud – “I DID THIS” and hearing that back.

Isn’t this peace? 

Lying on couch after a fully exhausting day is another level of peace. 

This is because we feel satisfied. We justify where we spent 24 hours of our day. 

But…Its not always justified to spend 24 hours. Make sure you LIVE and not just keep counting hours. 

Everyday is not meant to be exhaustive. 

Sometimes, peace exist in sitting back and talking to yourself or somebody. Having a cup of hot drink and just feeling proud of yourself. 

It’s really important to appreciate yourself and to vent out our suppressed emotions to live peacefully. 

That’s how our definition of peace differs. 

Everyone doesn’t feel it same way. 

Every day we don’t feel it the same way. 

And that’s perfect!

It’s more important to experience that emotion -in which we feel happy and satisfied. No matter we can say it in words or not!



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Manasvi

    That’s what we need to do- find our peace!

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