2020 has been tough on each and everyone, some way or the other, and left a mark which will take long to get over.

No doubt, it’s made everyone worry about “What next?”

And that’s pretty, because of how unpredictable this last year has been.

Worrying and the tension that arises when situations around you are critical, is normal.

But sometimes, they might build up and can be a sign of any underlying mental health issue.

Though, every worry is not anxiety, every tension does not mean you’re depressed.

And to have a clear understanding of it, it’s better to know the symptoms of mental health issues so as to clear the clutter.

Here is a list of the most common symptoms of Mental Health Issues:

1. Excessive Paranoia/Anxiety

Worry is normal, but when it’s starts to consume you constantly, and especially even if things around you are good and there’s nothing to having hype about, it’s generally a 🚩 to your emotional concerns. 

2. Long Lasting Sadness / Irritability

When something upsetting happens, sadness is a normal, but when sadness becomes prolonged and there doesn’t seem a way out it, it’s a sign. 

Also feeling irritated at times is okay, But continuously irritated / frustrated by every little thing or thing you are usually not, is a point to observe. 

3. Delusions

Having to detach from certain things time to time is a good habit to practice, but when your reality feels blur, you don’t feel connected to what’s happening in and around you.

It’s a ⚠ 

4. Unable to Cope with Routine life 

When we have a change of environment, it’s obvious we take time to adapt to the situation.

Just like the first few months of lockdown.

But even after we form a routine, feeling difficult to live with what it is, constantly feeling suffocated to cope with our routine life, or withdrawing from it might also be a sign. 

5. Sex Drive Changes

Yes, you heard it right. 

MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES can also effect your sex drive, as one might feel distant from their partner, feel unable to communicate their sexual needs to their partner, or flatlining sex even in general. Also, excessive sex drive/hypersexuality can also be a sign of an underlying mental illness. 

So before deciding on whether any negative behaviour is a sign of mental health issues or not, it’s better to look at the symptoms. If it’s difficult to comprehend your behavioural pattern, or even if you feel like you have any mental health issues/illness, it’s better to take professional help. 

If you’re diagnosed, you can go for therapy/medication / whatever your doctor prescribes; even if not, your confusions will be cleared.


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